How to Love Yourself in 2024 and Beyond
You may have written out your New Year's resolutions coming into the New Year—loads of new habits, action plans, and much more.
But how about self-love?
This might be a good time to add that to your to-do list for 2024. The year is still budding, you know.
So, let's get on.
What Exactly Is Self-love?
Without understanding the true meaning of self-love, you may not know how to love yourself.
Self-love is not self-absorption but a state of knowing who you are. It involves understudying yourself to understand what your core needs are. You're in tune with your inner self and have discovered who you are. You have also accepted you.
Self-love means having regard for yourself. It connotes choosing your well-being and happiness-not settling for less than you deserve. The state of total acceptance of who you are- both strengths and weaknesses.
Why Is It Important?
Self-love is the foundation for all other healthy self-concepts.
It is vital to your mental health and actualization of life's purpose. You cannot reach your most tremendous potential without solid love for yourself.
Self-esteem, self-worth, self-actualization, self-respect? They all are a subset of self-love. Without self-love, you might be on the brink of depression and people-pleasing.
Something important…
Self-love fosters the ability to accept your individuality. When you master the art of self-love, you begin a relationship with yourself. You'll then start accessing the kind of lifestyle that suits you.
But without it, you would be in a dilemma, oblivious of who you are. You'll likely follow the crowd, which may lead to an unfulfilled life.
What's more…
Self-love is the ability to withstand life's hurdles.
Life in itself is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, you'll fail, make mistakes, and not get what you desire. How you handle these situations often determines how much you love yourself.
It's easy to wallow in pity when life throws a lemon at you, but with self-love, you'll make the best of it.
Hold on…
Have you been attracting people who mistreat you? Then, it's time to do some reflections.
A person who self-loathes is at risk of attracting toxic people. Such people would find it easy to creep in. But self-love will help you avoid them.
You become co-dependent on others if you don't love yourself. You'll also always feel the need to rescue others. That's because you'd think they would change by tolerating their many excesses. Not true!
Here's what happens when you genuinely love yourself…
You'll understand others better.
When you love yourself, you'll become less critical of others. You start being kind to people. That's because you're aware that we all have our hidden struggles.
You'll become joyful.
Being in sync with your inner world helps you to experience less distortion. Your energy will become different, away from gloom. You will become positive and enthusiastic.
The joy radiating from within will reflect in everything you do.
How Can You Master Self-love?
Forgive yourself
A lot of people hate themselves for their past mistakes. They feel they are undeserving and unworthy of love.
It's good to forgive others. Nonetheless, you would have to learn forgiveness for yourself.
Do you have the ability to correct your past?
If you had more knowledge, would you make those wrong decisions?
So why put yourself in prison?
Release yourself from your past. Forgive you
Invest in yourself
Someone who has mastered the art of self-love would invest in themself. Self-love shows that you understand your potential, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. You will be willing to harness all these because you know your value.
In this New Year, spend money on yourself, buy new books, take that course, and embark on that long procrastinated journey. Become intentional about your growth.
Accept yourself
This is one daunting task, but you must put in the effort. Why? It's worth a try.
There is a critical voice in everyone. Self-love helps to still that voice within. You will then appreciate your actions and growth.
Learning to accept your weaknesses is part of the whole package.
It doesn't mean you stop putting in the effort to improve. Instead, you will appreciate the stage you are in and develop yourself towards the best.
Respect yourself
The higher your self-love, the higher the chances of you respecting yourself. When you respect yourself, you can refuse disrespect from others.
If you want to master self-love art this year, be ready to respect yourself enough to walk away from toxic people and situations.
Set aside a time of the day to relax. Just savor the sound and sight of nature. Try this out for at least 30 minutes a day. Be still with yourself. It goes a long way.
And if something is bothering you, try to take a shower or a cool drink.
Remember that worrying would do nothing for you. As you relax, you'll get a clear head to make good plans and take reasonable steps.
Quick Self-love Practices for Every Day
1. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself.
2. Ask for help
3. Exercise or take a walk
4. Write in your journal